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Chamber of Security and Defense

Responsible for:

  • Coordinating and executing defense strategies to safeguard member states from external threats.
  • Conduct intelligence and reconnaissance operations to assess potential risks.
  • Establishing and maintaining an interstellar defense network to ensure security.
  • Formulating contingency plans for handling emergencies and crises.
  • Conduct joint military exercises and training for member state forces.
  • Monitoring space traffic and enforcing regulations for safe celestial navigation.
  • Responding to and neutralizing potential threats from hostile entities.
  • Investigating and countering possible acts of space piracy and unlawful activity.
  • Cooperating with law enforcement agencies of member states to address security issues.
  • Ensuring the protection of classified information and data related to celestial security.

Positions while on a ship

Many roles on a ship require different titles than rank. Sometimes rank doesnt fully factor into the ability to perform a job. Crew will typically go off of their position title while on the line, while refer to their rank when staff.

  • Admiral - Responsible for a large group of ships.
  • Commander - Responsible for ship unit.
  • Commanding Officer (Captain)
  • Executive Officer - Second in command to the CO.
  • Department Heads - Senior officers who oversee departments. (Head of Engineering)
  • Auxilary Officers - Officers who hold other positions and responsibilities.
  • Chief Personnel
  • Senior Personnel
  • Personnel

Rank Structure

Officer Grade Ranks.

  1. Ensign - An entry-level officer rank.
  2. Lieutenant - An intermediate officer.
  3. Captain - In command of a ship.
  4. Commander - Leads units of ships.
  5. Rear Admiral - Responsible for a large group of ships.
  6. Vice Admiral - A higher-ranking flag officer.
  7. Admiral - Responsible for many groups of ships.
  8. High Admiral - Responsible for many Admirals.

Enlisted Grade Ranks.

  1. Private
  2. Corporal
  3. Sergeant
  4. Master Sergeant
  5. Senior Master Sergeant
  6. Chief Master Sergeant

Staff Officers:

Staff officers are responsible for planning, coordination, and administrative functions that support the overall operations of the military unit. They work behind the scenes to ensure the smooth functioning of the unit and provide expertise in areas such as logistics, intelligence, communications, and administration. Staff officers often work in office environments and play a crucial role in the planning and execution of military operations.


Line Officers:

Line officers, also known as operational officers, are directly involved in leading and executing military operations in the field. They are responsible for tactical decisions, commanding troops, and ensuring the success of combat and operational missions. Line officers typically have a more hands-on role and are actively engaged in the front lines of military activities.

Staff Enlisted Personnel:

Staff enlisted personnel are responsible for administrative, logistical, and support functions that contribute to the overall functioning of the military unit. They often work in office environments and provide expertise in areas such as supply, communications, personnel management, and maintenance. Staff enlisted personnel play a critical role in ensuring that the unit's operations run smoothly and efficiently.

Line Enlisted Personnel:

Line enlisted personnel are directly involved in the operational and field activities of the military. They are the ones who execute the tactical and operational tasks required for missions, combat, and other operational activities. Line enlisted personnel may include infantry soldiers, technicians, gunners, and various other roles that are directly engaged in the front lines of military operations.

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