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Hyperspace, also known as Exodimensional Space, is this wild, mind-bending dimension that various brainy alien species tap into. It's like their cosmic shortcut, letting them thumb their noses at the pesky laws of relativity.


Now, get this: Hyperspace isn't just a one-trick pony; it's got seven freaky layers, each more bizarre than the last. All the cool kids in the galaxy, the ones who've figured out faster-than-light travel, are cruising in the top layer. But here's the kicker – the deeper you go, the weirder and more dangerous it gets. We're talking about needing some seriously souped-up tech and AI pilots that can handle this kind of interdimensional insanity. Humans? Yeah, we're just along for the ride in this scenario, relying on these brainiac AI Navigation Systems to traverse these trippy realms we can't even begin to wrap our heads around.


How this shit works

So you want to zip through hyperspace, huh? Well, buckle up, space cowboy, because you're going to need a starship tricked out with a Jump Core and a stash of Luminothrium fuel so large that a Rift Miner would weep.


  1. The Jump Core? It's like the ultimate party planner for Luminothrium particles. It arranges them in a super snazzy matrix inside a magnetic field, like arranging guests at a cosmic dinner party. This setup is key to shaping up for a dive into hyperspace.

  2. The ship's power core then throws the mother of all power surges into this magnetic shindig, juicing up the Luminothrium like it's on an energy drink binge.

  3. When this stuff is buzzing with enough energy, the magnetic bouncer steps aside, and in come particles of [insert sci-fi jargon here], sparking a reaction that's basically the Luminothrium doing a backflip into its hyper-dimension.

  4. This Luminothrium gymnastics act creates a bubble big enough to drag the starship along for a ride into hyperspace.

  5. Once there, the energized Luminothrium bids adieu, because who wants to hang around in a dimension where physics is drunk?

  6. Navigating in hyperspace is like playing cosmic pinball. The ship exposes Luminothrium to special plates, making it repel from our dimension and giving the ship a kick in the pants to move forward. It's all about finding navigational tags left in realspace, like cosmic breadcrumbs.

  7. Ready to pop back into realspace? Just flip the script and expose more Luminothrium in a reversed setup. It's like telling hyperspace, "Thanks for the memories, but it's time to go home."


"Okay, okay," you argue, "traveling in layer 1 of hyperspace is speedy, sure, but it's not like snapping your fingers and poof, you're there. Yes, it's faster-than-light compared to the snail pace of real space, but I've got places to be, galaxies to see! So, what if we just nudge our way deeper into hyperspace? The deeper we go, the faster we travel, right?"


That's the spirit of a true cosmic speed demon! You're not content with merely breaking the light barrier; you want to smash it, leave it in the cosmic dust. But remember, with great speed comes great... well, let's just call them 'complications.'


So, about going deeper into hyperspace with your Jump Core and AI Hive's navigational wizardry – there's a teeny, tiny catch. It's not just a roller coaster; it's more like playing hopscotch on the edge of a black hole.


As you keep feeding the Jump Core more matter – because apparently, it's a never-satisfied cosmic glutton – and dive deeper into hyperspace, things get a bit... hairy. We're not just talking about a few bumps and bruises here. Oh no. We're talking about the kind of risks that make seasoned astronauts write heartfelt goodbye letters.


The deeper you plunge, the higher the stakes. Loss of life? Check. Loss of sanity? Double-check. It's like the universe's way of asking, "How lucky do you feel today?" Remember, in hyperspace, physics is drunk and logic is on vacation. So, if you value your life, your mind, or both, think twice before you tell your AI Hive, "Let's go deeper." It's a warning worth heeding unless you fancy becoming a cautionary tale in space exploration history.


"Alright, alright, so diving deeper into hyperspace is like juggling chainsaws – thrilling but probably a bad idea. Fine, I'll load up on extra fuel. But just how far can we actually zip through hyperspace before we're running on fumes? I'm not exactly keen on the idea of getting stranded halfway to gods-know-where."


Here's the lowdown: Your trip's distance in hyperspace depends on how much Luminothrium and [insert futuristic fuel here] your ship can guzzle. The good news? There's technically no 'End of the Road' sign in hyperspace. You can travel as far as your fuel and your crew's sanity can take you.


But wait, there's a catch. Run out of fuel, and your ship isn't just going to coast to a gentle stop. Oh no, it's more dramatic than that. Your ship will unceremoniously dump you back into real space. Sounds convenient, right? Well, not so fast. This isn't your smooth transition through a stargate. We're talking about the potential of you and that asteroid there minding its own business becoming one in a very literal way or, even better, parts of your ship deciding to arrive in real space before the rest of you. Let's just say it could get messy – and not in a fun, paintball kind of way. So, when planning your hyperspace joyride, remember: fuel up or face the cosmic consequences.




Alright, let's talk fuel - because you can't just swing by the cosmic 7-Eleven for a fill-up of this stuff. Nope, it's not that simple.

Here's the deal: to use hyperspace you need some seriously exotic matter. But there's a catch – this fancy matter is playing hard to get in another dimension. Sure, that other dimension is like an all-you-can-eat buffet of this stuff, but back here in boring old real space? Not so much.


So, how do you get your hands on this interdimensional fuel? Well, you could try flagging down an alien species that's cruising around with a tank full of the stuff, but let's face it, intergalactic hitchhiking is a bit of a gamble. And even if you ask them nicely where they got it, you're back to square one.


Here's where it gets tricky: there are these weird quantum-level electric anomalies where matter from our dimension decides to take a vacation elsewhere, and sometimes, just sometimes, matter from those exotic locales drops by for a visit. But without a fancy containment field, this exotic matter is like a tourist with serious commitment issues – it vanishes in a blink.


So, what do you do? You round up a bunch of brainy scientists, pour an obscene amount of taxpayer dollars into their think tanks, and get them to build massive processing centers way out in the sticks of the solar system. And then? You wait. And wait. Gradually, over what feels like a geological era, you collect enough of this seed fuel to send your rift mining vessels into the great unknown, scooping up more of this elusive matter. Rinse and repeat. It's a slow, expensive dance, but hey, that's the price of playing with the fabric of the universe!


Here is a list of known exotic matter and the origin layer were it can be found in bulk:


Layer 1: Luminothrium

Layer 2: Graviteon

Layer 3: Aetherion

Layer 4: Temporium

Layer 5: Chronocite

Layer 6: Phasium

Layer 7: Astraquark



Tales from the depths of hyperspace's inner layers are the stuff of space legend – and not the fun kind. Those brave or foolish enough to venture beyond the uppermost layer talk about feeling like they're not alone in their own heads. It's as if the very essence of the place is seeping into their minds, whispering foreign thoughts and emotions, like an uninvited cosmic guest.


Dive deeper, and things get weirder. Some spacefarers tell of their ships' energy reserves draining like a bathtub with the plug pulled out, all while having what can only be described as bizarre mental chats with entities they liken to demons. Yeah, you heard that right – demons, in space. As if that wasn't unsettling enough, there are stories of crew members losing control of their own actions, as if they're being puppeteered by some invisible space specter.


But wait, it gets worse. In the darkest, most secretive corners of hyperspace, there have been tales of outright horror. We're talking full-blown tragedies: crew turning on each other, unexplained fatalities, sabotage that would make any engineer weep, and ships' power cores being drained like a space vampire got a hold of them. So, next time you're thinking of a jaunt into the inner layers of hyperspace, maybe... don't. Unless you're into the whole 'haunted house in space' vibe.


Hyperspacial issues

With each layer of hyperspace intered, there are a unique set of challenges that need to be overcome:




  • Mental freak-outs from realizing you're not in Kansas anymore (aka real space).
  • Dizzy spells and vertigo like you've just downed a bottle of space rum.
  • Seeing things late or weirdly, like a bad video call.
  • Time feeling weirder than a time-travel movie plot.

Preventative Measures:

  • Most can handle this level without losing their lunch, at least for a short while.
  • Pop some anti-stress and anti-barf pills for the tougher cases.



  • Mind-bending stress from the 'this ain't real space' realization.
  • Vertigo that makes the first layer feel like a kiddie ride.
  • Vision getting all wonky and delayed.
  • Time perception going haywire.
  • Solids feeling squishy like semi-set jelly.

Preventative Measures:

  • Train in a drug-fueled haze to dull the weirdness.
  • Stronger drugs for the tougher cases, but watch out for those trippy side effects.



  • Insane stress levels from the whole 'not in real space' deal.
  • Vertigo cranked up to eleven.
  • Your vision lagging and distorting like a bad acid trip.
  • Time perception so screwed up you don't know if you're coming or going.
  • Solids going liquid, gases going solid – it's a freakin' physics party.
  • Sleep? Forget about it.

Preventative Measures:

  • More disorienting drug-induced training – fun, right?
  • Even stronger meds for those nasty symptoms, but they'll mess with your head.
  • Sleeping pills, because who needs natural sleep anyway?



At this layer, humans turn into space zombies. You need training, drugs, and a VR babysitter to keep you from flipping out.


  • Off-the-charts stress because, surprise, you're not in real space!
  • Vertigo that's out of this world, literally.
  • Vision so messed up, you can't tell a star from a space rock.
  • Time perception making less sense than a plot in a B-movie.
  • Vision going kaput. Good luck figuring out what's what.
  • Hearing things? Not hearing things? It's an auditory guessing game.
  • Sleep is just a distant memory.

Preventative Measures:

  • Live out of a VR chamber, because reality is overrated.
  • More mind-bending drug-induced training. Yay.
  • Popping pills to stave off the space madness.
  • Forced sleep, because counting sheep just doesn't cut it here.



In this layer, your brain goes on a one-way trip to breakdown city. We're talking serious damage and a high chance of meeting your maker.


  • Mind-shattering stress. Remember real space? That was nice.
  • Vertigo so bad, you'll wish you were just drunk.
  • Vision lag so severe, you're basically blind.
  • Time makes zero sense now. Are we there yet?
  • Can't see, can't hear, can't even think straight.
  • Feeling like you're drowning, burning, freezing, or being possessed. Pick your nightmare.

Preventative Measures:

  • Knock yourself out with drugs inside a field that keeps you from going cuckoo.



Here, it's pretty much a mental apocalypse. Brain damage and death are on the menu, so order wisely.


  • Welcome to death's door. Don't knock too loud.
  • Your ship's power getting sucked dry like a space vampire is on board.

Preventative Measures:

  • Drug-induced comas in a field that keeps the crazy at bay.
  • Pack enough power to deal with the galactic energy leeches.



This is the final boss level of mental breakdowns. Brain damage, death, and even your AI might lose its marbles.


  • If death had a VIP lounge, you're in it.
  • Mental distress so intense, even sleeping doesn't help.
  • Your AI starts to glitch like it's caught a space virus.
  • Ship systems throwing tantrums left and right.

Preventative Measures:

  • Sedate yourself into oblivion inside a sanity-preserving field.
  • Your AI hive playing IT support, fixing its own bugs on the fly.
  • Backup hardware for when your ship decides to have a meltdown.


Given the wild and woolly nature of each hyperspace layer, starships venturing into this uncharted territory need some seriously next-level tech to stay in one piece. Here's a peek at the kind of gear you'd need to not just survive, but maybe even thrive:


Exotic Material Shielding:

Think of your ship as a knight, and hyperspace as a dragon breathing weirdness instead of fire. You'd need armor – but not just any armor. We're talking hulls and barriers forged from the same exotic matter that got you into this mess in the first place. This stuff could whip up a protective 'bubble' around your ship, a bit like a cosmic force field. It's like telling hyperspace, "Back off, buddy!" and keeping all its layer-specific craziness at arm's length.

Prototype Technoplogy: Luminothric Shielding


Advanced AI Navigation and Piloting Systems

As you delve deeper into hyperspace's layers, each more mind-boggling and hazardous than the last, it's pretty obvious you can't rely on your average Joe of AI systems. You need the crème de la crème of AI navigators. These aren't your run-of-the-mill GPS units; think more along the lines of super-intelligent, hyperspace-savvy pilots. They need to be programmed with a deep understanding of each layer's quirks and dangers, able to zigzag through this cosmic obstacle course with the finesse of a space ballerina. In short, you're entrusting your life to a digital brain that's smarter than your average spaceship crew put together. No pressure, right?

Prototype Technoplogy: Advanced AI Navigation and Piloting Systems


Psychoactive Pharmaceuticals and Medical Facilities

The deeper you plunge into hyperspace, the more your brain starts to think it's at a wild cosmic party it wasn't invited to. So, it's essential to have a stash of psychoactive meds on board that would make a pharmacy jealous. These drugs are key to keeping the crew's minds from doing somersaults through the increasingly bizarre layers. And let's not forget about the medical bay – this isn't your average sickbay. We're talking state-of-the-art, capable of tracking every brainwave and heartbeat while doling out treatments that keep everyone from going space-crazy. Imagine a high-tech spa, but instead of massages and facials, you get a medical team ready to play whack-a-mole with any mind-bending symptoms that hyperspace decides to throw your way.

Prototype Technoplogy: Psychoactive Pharmaceuticals and Medical Facilities


Virtual Reality Simulation Chambers

When hyperspace starts messing with your senses like a cosmic prankster, it's time to turn to Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation Chambers. These aren't your typical gaming setups; they're high-tech sanctuaries where reality gets a reboot. In layers where everything feels like a Salvador Dali painting come to life, these VR chambers are a godsend. They recalibrate human interaction with the surroundings to something resembling normalcy – or at least what passes for normal in the vastness of space. It's like strapping on a headset to swap a mind-bending, otherworldly circus for a more familiar, comforting, and decidedly less trippy version of reality.

Prototype Technoplogy: Virtual Reality Simulation Chambers


Dampening Field Generators

As you venture into the deeper, more unruly layers of hyperspace, it's like entering the lion's den of cosmic weirdness. That's where dampening field generators come into play, acting like your very own space-age lion tamers. These nifty gadgets project a field around the ship, dialing down the craziness of hyperspace to more manageable levels. Think of them as a protective bubble that keeps the wild psychological and physiological effects at bay, ensuring that your crew doesn't start thinking the walls are melting or that time is doing the cha-cha. It's essential tech for making sure your journey through hyperspace doesn't turn into an unintended trip down a psychedelic rabbit hole.

Prototype Technoplogy: Dampening Field Generators


Advanced Power Systems

Delving into the deeper layers of hyperspace is like plugging into the universe's most power-hungry socket. To keep up with the intense energy demands, your ship needs to be decked out with some seriously beefy power systems. We're talking about the heavyweight champions of energy sources: high-capacity batteries that laugh in the face of your typical AA cells, fusion reactors that can make the sun look like a dim bulb, or, for the truly daring, matter-antimatter reactors – the kind of stuff that sci-fi dreams (and potentially nightmares) are made of. This isn't just about keeping the lights on; it's about powering a vessel through realms where the very laws of physics seem to be taking a sabbatical.

Prototype Technoplogy: Advanced Power Systems


AI Hive Systems and Redundant Hardware

When you're plunging into the deepest, most treacherous layer of hyperspace, even your AI starts to feel the strain. It's like putting your computer through a marathon in a sauna. That's why your ship needs an AI hive system – a collective of digital brains working in concert to patch up any corrupted data on the fly. Think of it as a tech support team on steroids, constantly on the lookout for glitches in the matrix.

But wait, there's more. In this wild corner of the cosmos, putting all your eggs in one hardware basket is a recipe for disaster. So, your ship would be kitted out with layers upon layers of hardware redundancy. It's like having a spare tire for your spare tire, and then some. If one system throws in the towel, no sweat – there's a lineup of backups ready to jump into the fray. This tag-team of AI hive smarts and redundant hardware is your best bet for keeping your ship sailing smoothly through hyperspace's final frontier.

Prototype Technoplogy:


Psychic Isolation Technology

Navigating the layers of hyperspace isn't just a physical journey; it's a mental marathon, especially when you start picking up mental hitchhikers in the form of 'foreign' thoughts and presences. That's where psychic isolation technology comes into play. Picture it as a mind-shield, an invisible helmet of sorts, designed to keep your crew's brains free from the cosmic chatter and mental noise that hyperspace throws at you.

This isn't your average piece of tech; it's more like a firewall for the mind, tailored to block or at least dial down the intrusion of these alien thought patterns. In the swirling, unpredictable sea of hyperspace, where your thoughts might not always be your own, this psychic isolation tech could be the difference between keeping your sanity intact and having a mental meltdown among the stars. It's like noise-cancelling headphones for your brain, ensuring that the only voices in your head are the ones you want there.

Prototype Technoplogy: Psychic Isolation Technology


Emergency Stasis or Cryogenic Systems

When you're flirting with the outer edges of reality in hyperspace, sometimes things go sideways in a big way. For those 'oh no' moments when survival seems like a thing of fairy tales, you'll want to have emergency stasis or cryogenic systems on board. Think of them as your cosmic pause button or a sci-fi version of hibernation.

These systems aren't for a quick power nap; they're for when you need to freeze-frame the crew to stop a bad situation from turning into an obituary. Whether it's waiting for a rescue from the vastness of space or just hanging tight until the cosmic storm passes, these systems can deep-freeze everyone into a temporary state of 'not dead yet.' It's like hitting the snooze button on life's alarm clock, giving you a fighting chance to wake up to a better, less life-threatening day in the galaxy.

Prototype Technoplogy: Emergency Stasis or Cryogenic Systems

Exodimensional Materials

Metaphysical, Astral

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