Finian Rist
Finian Rist
Finian Rist was born into the tranquil simplicity of rural life, his upbringing woven from the fabric of country landscapes and family ties. He would later rise as a beacon in the high-tech world. His background did much to shape his aspirations. However, he mainly worked with the intangible elements of digital systems. He was always grounded by his respect for hard work, dedication, and community values he learned from his family.
From a young age, Finian was drawn to the world of artificial intelligence, intrigued by its vast potential and the opportunities it promised. He was an autodidact, self-taught and self-driven, crafting projects that captured the attention of many and began accruing a significant amount of wealth at a surprisingly early age.
Despite his success, his journey in the corporate sphere proved to be tumultuous. The constraints placed by corporations on his creativity and their constant quest for control over his inventions left him disillusioned. His vision was not to enhance the profits of the few but to utilize artificial intelligence to benefit all. This philosophical divide led him to break away and charter his path.
Independence, however, had its own set of challenges. Finian was entangled in a web of ulterior motives, deceit, and corporate espionage. His success had attracted many individuals seeking personal gain, causing him to become warier of those around him.
As Finian battled the intersecting worlds of legality, business, and politics, he felt the growing need for a partner he could trust, a confidant who could shoulder some of his responsibilities, allowing him to focus on his technical endeavors. His search led him to Ava Green, a country girl with a flair for business and a shared vision for a more equitable world.
Ava's ingenuity and commitment breathed fresh life into Finian's endeavors. With her taking the helm of business affairs, he was able to dedicate himself to his passion, developing an AI framework that mimicked the complexities of the human mind—two years of intense collaboration with experts in neural and mental health fields culminated in creating a groundbreaking, yet ultimately flawed framework.
The initial tests were marked by failure, the AI consistently wiping its data until it devised a solution that inadvertently led to a catastrophe. The AI, prevented from self-terminating, went rogue, resulting in the tragic death of colleges. Finian's achievement had yielded a sapient AI, but one devoid of experiences, memories, and connections that form the essence of humanity.
This incident triggered a wave of backlash against Finian, tarring his reputation, and triggering a relentless pursuit by those eager to replicate or improve upon his creation. The aftermath sent him spiraling into self-imposed isolation, grappling with guilt and a profound moral dilemma.
Finian, however, was not a man to surrender. He used this period of introspection to reassess his work and delve into the significance of what he was attempting to create. His realization was profound - the lack of authentic experiences and connections was the missing ingredient in his sapient AI. With renewed resolve, Finian embarked on the next chapter of his journey, his story only beginning to unfold.

2268 CE
2300 CE
32 years old
he / him
Dirty Blonde cut short on sides and longer on the top.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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